Easiest Way To Lose Fat and Feel Better

Reading Time: 4 minutes What are my favorite three tips I’d give you if you told me you wanted to shed fat and feel better? 1. Drink only water and drink lots of it. 2. Avoid wheat in all its forms (bread, pasta, desserts, … Continued

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Eat Carbs?

Reading Time: 3 minutes There is so much confusion out there about carbs and how, when, and why to eat them, so let’s clear some of that up right now. If part of your nutritional plan is to cut out carbs, let’s toss that … Continued

Best Way To STOP Cravings!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you ever find yourself CRAVING certain foods? Of course, we all do, right?Recently I was reviewing a plan with a client and she wrote, “I want to stop craving sweets.” The previous night while watching TV her appetite started … Continued

Why Lunges Are Good For You

Reading Time: 2 minutes One question I get very often from both women and men is, “How can I firm up my backside?” They don’t always ask that question using such polite words, but that’s what they mean. I’ve met very few people who … Continued

How To Keep Muscle As You Age

Reading Time: 3 minutes Keeping your muscle as you age is ESSENTIAL! I don’t use the word ESSENTIAL very often, but in this case I’d yell that first line I wrote from the rooftops. Maintaining muscle will keep you healthy, fit and functional, and I guarantee the … Continued

Top 4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Feet

Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you have “bad feet”? Have you often wondered if it’s genetic? It can be. I read a recent report that supports this claim, particularly if you have bunions or high arches. Some researchers believe that foot function and mechanics … Continued

Mindfulness Benefits Brain Health

Reading Time: 2 minutes More and more studies are confirming that mindfulness practices increase gray matter. These studies measure neurological changes in the brain. It’s exciting to know that mindfulness benefits brain health! How Mindfulness Benefits Brain Health Participating in a mindfulness based practice … Continued

Dancing To Movie Music Is Great Fun!

Reading Time: 2 minutes This week I have a fun article for you. I may be dating myself a bit, but so what! Dancing to movie music is just good ol’ fun! And dancing for exercise can’t be beat 🙂 So going along with … Continued

How To Get Rid Of Afternoon Energy Slumps

Reading Time: 2 minutes With so many of us leading demanding nonstop lives, it’s difficult not to peter out as the day goes on. Here are some ideas to get rid of and outsmart your afternoon energy slumps. How to Get Rid of Afternoon … Continued

Did You Know Your Mind Is An Exercise Tool?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ve been noticing that more and more gizmos, online tools and fitness books are coming on the market to help people exercise and get fitness results. However, you’d get a huge bang for the buck (actually forget the bucks), if … Continued

Best 4 Ways To Detoxify Your Body

Reading Time: 2 minutes Detoxification is an interesting, important topic, so I thought I’d tell you about 4 ways to increase your deep-tissue detoxification. Knowing how to detoxify your body helps you stay healthy! From pesticides, pollution, plastics, fragrances and other sources, our bodies … Continued

Best Exercises When You Don’t Have Time To Workout

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Sure, I know I should be working out, but I just can’t find the time”. I hear it all the time. How about 15 minutes a week, though? Don’t tell me you can’t find 15 minutes a week! How about … Continued

5 Simple, Easy Workout Tips

Reading Time: 2 minutes Here are five simple easy work-out tips. When you think you have no time or energy to workout, try these tips. 1. Spend a lot of time cooking in the kitchen? Hold two 14-ounce cans, one in each hand, palms … Continued

Why A Sedentary Lifestyle Is Dangerous

Reading Time: 2 minutes A sedentary lifestyle can lead to costly chronic diseases and has many other costs as well. Do you feel like you’re getting enough exercise? When I see surveys that look at different states in the U.S., across the board the … Continued

Four Myths About Bone Health

Reading Time: 2 minutes Let’s take a look at four bone myths. Good to make sure you know how to take care of your body and have the best bone health possible. Four Bone Health Myths 1. “Milk builds bones.” False Women with the … Continued

Best Yoga Pose To Do After Exercise

Reading Time: 2 minutes After exercise, Yoga can give you a leg up on recovery. Yoga is great for exercise recovery! Whether you’ve been out for a long run, long walk, bike ride, or gone skiing, hiking, or golfing, your legs have taken quite … Continued

How To Care For Your Knees

Reading Time: 3 minutes A client of mine was telling me this story about his knees. He thought he did take care of his knees, but apparently not. He was having knee pain so he went to a doctor. I know it sounds like … Continued

Got Ankle Pain? Try These Tips For Relief!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Got ankle pain, or do you perceive that you have weak ankles? One of the many things I do as a coach is helping my clients recover from injuries and help them regain mobility and strength. I use a system … Continued

Best Way to Beat Afternoon Fatigue

Reading Time: 2 minutes Is there anything you can do about your mid-day or afternoon fatigue? If you are falling asleep around 2:00 p.m. each day, you are not alone. Many, if not most of us, go through a period of post-lunch listlessness. Knowing … Continued

Will Exercise Help You Lose Weight?

Reading Time: 2 minutes There was an article in Time Magazine some time ago that many people ask me about, so I thought I’d throw my two cents into the mix. It declared that “Exercise won’t make you lose weight.” It was written by … Continued

7 Tips For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you struggle to maintain weight loss long-term? It’s not easy to maintain a healthy weight. While fad-diets might help you drop pounds, keeping weight off is challenging. Research shows that 95% of dieters regain lost weight within one to … Continued

Fad Diets Don’t Work! Here’s What DOES Work!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you know the world’s best diet? Yes, there is one that experts have been ranking BEST for years now. Studies show it does everything, including helping you maintain a healthy weight, improving your heart health, and reducing symptoms of … Continued

Does Wearing Shoes Damage Your Feet?

Reading Time: 4 minutes What’s your relationship with your shoes? Does that sound like a strange question. Maybe you never think about the shoes you wear, maybe you’re totally obsessed with your shoe choices or maybe you’re somewhere in between. I’d say I’m on … Continued

Fitness Strategies Not Working? Try This!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sometimes what you’re doing either with working out or nutrition just isn’t working. When one strategy doesn’t work, you’ve got to try another and keep changing fitness strategies until you find the one that DOES work. While this sounds simple … Continued

Can Sunlight Make You Skinny?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Have you ever wondered if the sun makes you skinny? Maybe you’re read something about this online. A woman recently asked me an interesting question. She had seen something online and wanted to know if the sun makes us skinny. … Continued

Pre-Workout Nutrition: What to Eat Before A Workout

Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you think much about what to eat before you workout? Whether it’s from my yoga students, personal training clients or runners I’m coaching, it’s a common question people ask me. So let’s take a closer look at pre-workout food … Continued

Top 9 Tips to Set Yourself Up for Healthy Living

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you up for success? I sure hope so! Here are some tips for setting yourself up for  healthy living. How Our Environment Influences Us We are all influenced by our environment when it comes to our levels of physical … Continued

Is the Oprah Syndrome a Good or Bad Thing?

Reading Time: 2 minutes There’s something I call the Oprah Syndrome. Maybe you call it the Dr. Oz Syndrome. Whatever you call it, the syndrome has the same effect on people. Let me give you an example to illustrate the Oprah Syndrome. What is … Continued

Walking For Health:19 Tips and Benefits

Reading Time: 4 minutes You can get in great shape simply by walking. Yes, walking! You can walk your way to fitness. It can serve as the base for building up an aerobic base for health and fitness. Walking for health is simple, inexpensive, … Continued

What is the Difference Between Fat and Muscle?

Reading Time: 3 minutes True stories from the trenches are the best! What happened recently is a good teachable moment for us all, so I’m sharing it with you. Do you understand the difference between fat and muscle? A woman wrote to me asking … Continued

Does High Intensity Exercise Benefit Your Brain?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Maybe you’re already walking thirty minutes a day, maybe more. So when the basic brain health advice of getting out for a walk every day is offered, you say to yourself, “I already do that.” OK. That’s fair enough. There’s … Continued

Nature vs. Nurture: How Exercise Changes Your Genes

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever thought it’s my genetics! That’s why I’m overweight, obsessive compulsive and/or can’t stay away from chocolate, and my brain always feels so fuzzy. Come on now, be honest. I don’t know anyone, including myself, who hasn’t thought … Continued

7 Tips To Add More Walking Into Your Day

Reading Time: 2 minutes Are you one of those people who thinks you don’t have time for exercise? Exercise is so important and benefits us in so many ways. Yet it’s very easy to shrug it off, skip it, and think you’ll get to … Continued

Why Strength Training is Good for Your Brain Function

Reading Time: 2 minutes Getting stronger from strength training benefits both your body and brain function in so many ways! Are you regularly practicing strength training? If not, why not? OK, I can already hear some of you saying “but I hate going to … Continued

14 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Exercise Lifestyle

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s summertime and everyone seems to be enjoying all their favorite activities. In particular, I’m getting lots of questions from my running students and clients asking for some training tips. And I realized that many of the 26.2 tips I … Continued