3 Easy to Use Health and Nutrition Tips

This article was published on: 01/12/23 9:22 AM

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Some assorted health and nutrition information for you this week! There are many benefits of eating yogurt, so let’s dig in and learn more.

** Yogurt may be one of the greatest foods on Earth. The bacteria in yogurt break down the food in your gut into smaller molecules and nutrients. Then our bodies digest foods more efficiently and successfully. The results are amazing.

This may sound strange, but when you eat yogurt you’ll save money on toilet paper because you’ll use less of it! Why? Your stools are formed almost perfectly when you eat yogurt regularly.

I recognize that point might not motivate you to eat yogurt, so how about this point:
people who eat yogurt live longer. Yogurt even cuts the risk of cancers like bladder cancer.

Eat it plain without all the sugar added. I like it best mixed with berries and a small portion of nuts.

simple workout tips

** Here’s what nuts can do for you: Walnuts improve the fats in your bloodstream, lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol). Almonds protect against dementia with natural vitamin E.

Pecans protect against cardiovascular disease. Peanuts (OK, OK I know they’re legumes) contain resveratrol, which prevents heart disease.

Pistachios lower cholesterol and have chemicals similar to those in leafy green vegetables, lutein, for example. Cashews help support your immune system.

But be careful about portion sizes. Nuts are calorie-dense because they’re high
in fat (fats have more calories per weight than carbohydrates and protein). So do what I do and eat only a handful a day of mixed nuts.

** Stop using the “white toxins” immediately! White flour, white sugar, and white rice are all poor food choices.

They are converted into blood sugar quickly, releasing a chain effect of hormonal chemicals into the body. This chain effect leads to inflammation, aches and pain, and may lead to disease processes.

That’s why I call them the white toxins. Take these out of your diet and see if you feel the difference. I’m guessing you will!

*** Real men don’t eat soy. Not unless they want to grow fatty breasts. It turns out soy protein contains genistein and daidzein, which are known phyto-estrogens (plant-produced estrogens).

High levels of estrogen (the hormone that makes women look and act like women) in men cause reduced levels of testosterone, loss of muscle tissue, increase in body fat, and a decrease in libido and sexual function. If the men in your life eat a lot of soy-based products, encourage them to check out this information.

Enjoy your week and make good use of these health tidbits! Don’t miss those health benefits of eating yogurt and nuts.

If you feel stuck and need additional support to adopt a new healthy habit or routine, consider working with me. We can partner up in setting goals, drawing on your skills and strengths, and implementing strategies to help you find your way to lasting healthy success.

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For over 15 years, Shelli has been a freelance writer and wellness habit coach on Joyinmovement. She writes about brain fitness, creating a healthy lifestyle, traveling the world, and making positive habits stick. Stop procrastinating! Take action, join her free newsletter.


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