Happy New Year! Hope your year is off to a strong start and you’ve set some powerful intentions for living your best life going forward.
This past year was a wonderfully creative year for me. I am so lucky to still, after all these years, remain dedicated and passionate about health, nutrition, movement, mindset, and longevity. Most importantly though, is being able to share with you what I learn. Paying it forward is what it’s always been about for me.
So please allow me to show you all the creations from this past year!
Looking for articles on healthy living and nutrition? You can find my newest articles here
I’ve added books to the already great ones I recommend for helping us keep our brains healthy throughout our lifespans.
If you’re not using Bioedge products, you’re missing out on the best protein powder and green drink on the market today!
Are you interested in longevity?
Not just living longer, though. Living better is what we’re all aiming for, right? These are the supplements I use every day and recommend for you.
The newsletters I write EVERY month are here and the blog is still going strong, too.
Remember, the newsletter has always been and still is FREE, but you do have to sign up 🙂
I’ve added offerings to my Skype coaching menu!
Yes, I am still traveling a bunch and writing on my travel site here.
I had an epic year of travels! Because I receive so many questions about traveling, I wrote a new ebook called “Booking Travel The Shelli Stein Way”.
It is chock full, and I do mean full, of awesome information, tips, tricks, and more. You can learn more about the new book here.
As you can see, it’s been a busy and productive year for me. I’m keen on your benefiting from whichever of these offerings sparks your interest. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions!
Until next month, enjoy your new beginnings!
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