Hello friends, and welcome to this month’s Joyinmovement newsletter,
This month we’re going to look at the 10 most important keys to brain health. After all, maintaining a healthy brain takes top priority, don’t you think???
Let me remind you that Brain-Based Health and Fitness is the approach I take when working with my clients and students. If you’re not sure what I mean by that, take a look at my website http://www.shellistein.com/experience-health/
1. Diet. I recommend being a flexetarian. No one diet is the answer. For every macronutrient you remove from your diet (meat, carbs, etc.), there is some incredibly healthy population out there that thrives on that macronutrient.
And keep it simple. No excess, and healthy snacks.
2. Dump Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Negative. In other words, if you tell yourself you “can’t,” then your mind is going to believe you, and it acts in accordance with those thoughts. Here’s a simple example. Say to yourself, “I’m bad at remembering names,” and then try to remember the name of the next person you meet!
3. Brain Supplements. Sometimes, the right food is not enough. So make sure you have a lot of vitamin B in your diet.
4. Exercise. This doesn’t mean going to the gym every day. But walking, doing light exercise, anything that keeps you moving for a while qualifies. There’s an expression, “When the body moves, the brain grooves.”
5. Positive People Preferred! You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
6. Keep a Clean Environment. I’m a BIG believer in this one. The cleaner your house, office, and desk are, the less stress you have. Your brain has more energy for other things.
Don’t forget that the brain is just 2% of your mass but uses 25% of the oxygen and the nutrients you consume each day. So the less stress, the less energy the brain needs to do the things that are important to you.
7. Brain Protection. Wear a helmet. This may sound silly, but I can’t believe all the people I see riding bikes and motorcycles without helmets. Over the years I’ve taken quite a few falls and know for sure my helmet protected me.
8. New Learning. The brain thrives on novelty. New research shows that even into old age, the brain can still grow new neurons and form new strong connections. If you never learned to play bridge, maybe give it a try. If you never learned to play an instrument, maybe give it a try. Anything new.
9. Sleep. The brain rejuvenates itself during sleep. During sleep, it’s still just as active, forming new connections. But, it’s not bogged down by the draining energy that occurs when you are awake.
10. Reduce Stress Levels. Do what I do and avoid the headlines in the newspaper. There’s all kinds of stress reducing ideas besides this one. Send me your best ones and I’ll compile a list and share them with the other Joyinmovement readers!
Brain based health is the way to go! It sets the tone for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. http://www.shellistein.com/experience-health/
Until next month, keep finding Joyinmovement and keep wearing a helmet!
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