Hello friends, and welcome to this month’s Joyinmovement newsletter,
A few fun, interesting, and what I hope will be helpful tips for you this month.
Did you know that vision is a skill? Maybe you don’t need to get a stronger prescription. Maybe you don’t need to resign yourself to your vision slowly getting worse. I work on my vision skills every day. Give these simple Z-Health drills a try and ‘see’ for yourself!
One comment I hear from people almost on a daily basis is, “I don’t have time for a strength training workout.” Here’s the suggestion and solution I offer them. You + Doorframe= Strength Training Opportunity. Working smarter, rather than harder, with this easy-to-do anywhere routine really works to build strength. And all you need is a few minutes and a doorframe.
This past month over at PointMeToThePlane, I’ve written some, if I do say so myself, awesome articles to save you money on your travels.
Hotel savings, anyone? Here’s what you need to know to save money on each and every hotel night.
Paying fees when checking your bags isn’t necessary. I hate to pay checked bag fees. I’d rather keep my money in my pocket! Here’s how to avoid those fees.
Do you or anyone you know travel with their pets? This comprehensive article covers six major airlines and what you’ll need to know when traveling in the US.
I’m glad spring has finally sprung. I officially started my swim season this past week. The pools I use are outdoors, and given the unseasonably chilly weather, the season started later than usual. How do your movement and exercise routines change with the seasons?
Until next month, see better, get stronger, and save money on your upcoming travels……and as always, thank you for reading!
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